About Shaikh Muhammad Bilal

  • Academic Level  Master’s Degree
  • Age  28 - 32 Years
  • Salary  10000
  • Gender  Male
  • Industry  management
  • Viewed 53
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About me

I am an enthusiastic and feel positive to adapt things, my core values are compassion, cooperation, altruism and responsibility and my motivators are helping people reach their potential, working as a team and accomplish meaningful goals.

In previous/current role I have been working on supply planning, inventory management and replenishment. Starting from Inventory requirement based on sales then manage complete order cycle from order placement to order receiving.

Moreover, align supply chain activities and process correspondence with local and foreign suppliers with respect to their lead time so that right part at right time with right quantity available. Also track record of inventory at all levels (on order, pipeline etc.) specially focused on physical and system (SAP) stock reconciliation.

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  • 2020 - 2022
    Institute of Business Management

    Masters of Business Administration (MBA) - Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    Familiarize with management of supply chain which is a process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory and related information flows through the organization and its marketing channels in such a way that current and future profitability are maximized through the cost effective fulfillment of orders aimed at continuous improving all aspects of the operational performance of a business or any other type of organization

  • 2011 - 2014
    NED University of Engineering and Technology

    Bachelors of Engineering - Industrial and Manufacturing

    I have passed BE - Industrial and Manufacturing from NED university of engineering and technology.

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  • 2021 - Present
    PakSuzuki Motor Company Ltd.

    Deputy Manager Supply Planning and Procurement

    ✓ Supply planning in correspondence with demand planning, production plan and pipeline inventory.
    ✓ Purchase Order issuance considering production and material requirement as per BOM.
    ✓ Ensure and monitor order cycle and processes are completed.
    ✓ Ensure that a material scheduling strategy and processes are in place, via shipment monitoring, and functioning properly to ensure that material supply meets production requirements.
    ✓ Analysis of in-house, in-transit and pipeline inventory to ensure realignment of monthly material flows for production coverage.
    ✓ Manage critical parts monitoring (rundown) at stock level of all required SKUs to monitor parts availability for smooth production.
    ✓ Intimate management timely regarding any shipment delay, short shipment or discrepancies.
    ✓ Share daily dashboard with Management for visibility of stock, overall inventory accuracy & percentage of storage space occupancy.
    ✓ Recommend inventory warehousing changes to meet increased or decreased demand.
    ✓ System (SAP) and physical stock reconciliation, share weekly and monthly data with management of any discrepancies being found on stock reconciliation.
    ✓ To ensure trainings are provided to team leads for better and adequate control.

  • 2020 - 2021
    Pak Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd.

    Deputy Manager Plastic Shop (Injection Molding)

    ✓ Determine department capacity for short, mid and long term.
    ✓ Align resources for capacity building and propose effective solutions.
    ✓ Prepare monthly Master Production Schedule to ensure capacity utilization and availability of parts.
    ✓ Issue daily production schedule to shop floor, do analysis and take actions for productivity improvement.
    ✓ Material and manpower requirements analysis as per production volume.
    ✓ To ensure effective and efficient implementation of quality management tools and standards.
    ✓ Propose departmental annual capital and revenue budget along with justifications.
    ✓ Planning and implementation of approved budget, projects and equipment installation.
    ✓ Involved in training, supervising and mentoring of team members.
    ✓ Manage, control and improve the shop floor KPIs and do efforts to achieve departmental targets.
    ✓ Taking steps to ensure the personal safety and provide safe work environment for staff.
    ✓ Strive for continuous process improvements (Kaizen), took cost saving initiative and eliminate wastage.
    ✓ Look after mold overhauling w.r.t. schedule and ensuring availability of mold spare parts.
    ✓ FMEA analysis via process mapping of all processes, develop possible contingency plan and its feasibility.

  • 2015 - 2020
    Pak Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd.

    Assistant Manager Plastic Shop (Injection Molding) - Production Division

    ✓ Capacity building analysis based on resources to efficiently meet monthly / annual production targets.
    ✓ Process flow improvement via reducing in process inventory.
    ✓ Process performance improvement using lean principles via batch optimization and defect elimination.
    ✓ Design of parts’ logistic method on the production line incorporating JIT principles.
    ✓ Raw material and direct consumable wastage reduction (Approx. Rs.5million).

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Supply Chain Management
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Honors & awards

  • 2018

    Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Management

    I got this award and appreciation for training of vendors on KPI management.

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